Documenting Transplants
An ongoing project focused on two main assumptions for individuals in need of transplants. The first is that individuals are immediately given a transplant once they are diagnosed, and the second is that once a person receives a transplant, they are cured and no longer have to worry about organ failure.
Design Question
How do we create an app to help transplant patients document their symptoms and share information with their doctors easily?
After conducting a Competitive Analysis of current applications created for Transplant Patients, I designed the following prototype that addresses some of the needs and concerns identified by Organ transplant patients.
Next Steps:
While I have been able to conduct In-depth Interviews with several Kidney Transplant patients, going forward, I hope to interview Medical Professionals, Surgeons, Organ Donors, and Transplant Recipients.
Upon finalizing the application I hope to conduct 25 virtual usability studies with recipients of organ transplants.
After receiving feedback regarding the application, I hope to revise the prototype before conducting more usability tests and finalizing the design.
Generative Art
The Generative Art piece is in response to the number of individuals waiting for an organ donation and transplant in the US. All of the data used in this piece are from the Government Organ Donation site data:
In this piece, each circle is representative of a patient in need of a heart transplant. Over time the hearts fade, simulating an organ that no longer works. Users are asked to select circles on the screen simulating an individual who received a transplant. While I recognize that the transplant process is much more complex than a simple selection, the selection process is used to convey the long process of getting on a transplant waiting list and how selective of a process this is.